Acoustics rule checking
Pieter Pauwels
28 October 2009
This is the RDF file representing a room detailed with space boundaries and the required material properties so that it can be used in combination with the available rule sets.
These are the rules that represent a part of the Belgian regulation NBN S 01-400-1 regarding acoustical criteria for residential buildings.
These are the rules that represent a part of the European regulation EN 12354 regarding acoustical criteria for residential buildings.
Using this query file, the EYE reasoning engine is able to retrieve only the acoustical comfort level of the room boundaries that are represented in the instances model (instances.n3 - see procedure below).
This is an example output file as it is produced by the EYE reasoning engine (see procedure below).
Textual overview of this HTML page.
Full ZIP file including all the files above.
Query for the acoustic performance
- Install EYE: see
- Test run EYE and see that everything is installed correctly
- See all possible EYE commands on
- open command line
- run "eye --nope instances20091028.n3 NBNS014001rules20091028.n3 EN12354rules20091028.n3 --query query20091028.n3 > output.n3"
- find the retrieved RDF statements in the output.n3 file
Edit rules
- open up NBNS014001rules20091028.n3, EN12354rules20091028.n3 or query.n3 in any notepad application
- start editing
Reference publication
Pieter Pauwels, Davy Van Deursen, Ruben Verstraeten, Jos De Roo, Ronald De Meyer, Rik Van de Walle and Jan Van Campenhout. A semantic rule checking environment for building performance checking. AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION. 20(5) (2011). p.506-518.