IFC model perspectives

Pieter Pauwels
8 August 2013



Doing the conversion

  1. Install EYE: see http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/INSTALL
  2. Test run EYE and see that everything is installed correctly
  3. See all possible EYE commands on http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/README
  4. open command line
  5. run "eye --nope originalmodel.n3 conversionrules.n3 --pass > output.n3"
  6. see additional RDF statements at the end of the output.n3 file

Edit rules

  1. open up conversionrules.n3 in any notepad application
  2. start editing

Query conversion rules

  1. Install EYE: see http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/INSTALL
  2. Test run EYE and see that everything is installed correctly
  3. See all possible EYE commands on http://eulersharp.sourceforge.net/README
  4. open command line
  5. run "eye --nope originalmodel.n3 conversionrules.n3 --query query.n3 > queryoutput.n3"
  6. find the retrieved RDF statements in the queryoutput.n3 file